Mac Baren Scottish Blend Mixture (50g)
Scottish Blend Mixture is made from more than 35 different tobacco leaves from different parts of the world. Each leaf has its own special qualities and only by blending them in the right proportions does Mixture achieve its unique flavour. Naturally, what goes into Mixture remains secret, although we can disclose some information. The loose cut tobacco in Mixture is light, sweet Virginia. One of the secrets behind the lingering pleasure that Mixture gives is that pressed Virginia and Burley tobacco has been added, which after a meticulous pressing process is carefully loosened up. This makes it easier to fill into the pipe, while giving Mixture the added advantage of burning slowly. But even the best Virginia and Burley tobacco is not what completes the Mixture blend. The ingredient that does this is the special, loose cut Mac Baren Cavendish. Contrasting the light Virginia tobacco, Cavendish is not only a joy to look at, it also gives Mixture the final nuance of taste that completes the blend. The carefully balanced aromatic top flavour, together with the tobacco leaves, makes Mixture a unique blend.
1 in stock